Rules & Regulations

1.        Parents are requested to bear in mind that the school attaches a great importance in building sound character in the pupils. Therefore, they are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by making their children understand that a well disciplined way of life is as important at home as in school.

2.        Punctuality and Regularity in attendance, proper school uniform and an earnest effort towards completing Home Assignments and an exemplary behavior in and outside the school is always insisted upon.

3.        Please spend quality time with your child and enquire about the activities of the school in a friendly manner and appreciate all his/her efforts.

4.        Discuss about the next day’s activities at home.

5.        Read the circulars and the notes carefully sent by the teachers.

6.        Encourage your child to be responsible about his/her belongings.

7.        Students are not allowed to leave the school during school hours. Leave or half day is not permitted.

8.        Avoid sending your child to the school in case he/she is unwell.

9.        A long leave (more than 3 days for class IX to XII & 5 days for Nur. to VIII in a month) without any intimation to the school, renders the child’s name to be struck off from the Rolls of the school. Re- admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.

10.      A leave application is necessary for any leave taken by the child. It has to be sent to the school, the next day when the child joins the school.

11.      No long leave of absence is granted without the prior permission of the Principal, unless the child is ill. A medical certificate needs to be submitted on joining the school. No visitor will be allowed to contact any student.

12.      Ensure that your child comes with two sets of clothes & footwear (labelled) (for class Nur.) for any emergency.

13.      Do not send any expensive items, money with your child to the school. The school will not be responsible for any loss of articles or money.

14.      Students suffering from the following diseases should observe the period of quarantine.

            Chicken pox             :           Till complete felling of scabs

            Measles                     :           Till 2 weeks after the rashes disappear

            Mumps                                  :           Until the swelling has gone.

            Jaundice                    :           About 6 weeks.

            Whooping cough   :           About 6 weeks.

15.      Kindly check the uniform, nails, hair of your ward every morning. They should be immaculately tuned out daily. For boys-Crew Cut Hair/Light Blue Patka/Turban.

16.      Please ensure that your ward carries books & notebooks according to the Time-Table.

17.      Parents’ attendance is compulsory at all Parent Teacher Meetings. It is parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure correct authentic signature on Report Card & any other Circular which needs to be signed & in all important notices.


18.      Students must come to school in proper school uniform. Uniform is compulsory at all school functions, PTM’s and on any visit the child may make to the school during working hours. Kindly intimate the school about any change in the address or phone no.

19.      No student should be taken out immediately after the test from school, failing which 5 marks will be deducted from the total marks obtained by the student.

20.      90% Attendance is compulsory in the Academic Year to make him/her eligible to appear for the Annual Exam.

21.      No student is allowed to bring sweets/gifts etc to school to celebrate/his/ her birthday or on any other occasion.

22.      If a child has to be withdrawn from the school, parents are requested to give one calendar month’s notice in writing, failing which one month’s fee will be charged in lieu thereof. Exception may be in the case of a sudden transfer of Govt. or military personnel.

23.      Fee is to be paid by the 10th of every month, failing which a late fee fine will be charged.

24.      Mobile: Mobiles are not allowed, if confiscated, it will not be returned. (Penalty of Rs. 500/- to be paid to release the Mobile Phone)

25.      The school shall not be held responsible for any unforeseen accident, illness or mishap which may occur during school trips.

26.      Students are prohibited from carrying objectionable literature/material to school.

27.      Disobedience and disrespect towards teachers or bad moral influence will justify dismissal of the student.

28.      Parents are expected to cooperate in the working of the school.

29.      If a student is caught using unfair means during test/exam, answer sheet will be confiscated and zero marks will be allotted in that paper.